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KK/019 - Einleitung

In a land before our time...

For thou­sands of ye­ars, ci­vi­liza­ti­ons have loo­ked in­to the in­fi­ni­te re­a­ches of space, di­rec­ting their eyes and land­marks at our stars. Since the be­gin­ning of time and ge­ne­ra­ti­ons they have be­en wai­ting for the ar­ri­val and re­turn of their long-awai­ted and long over­due gods. According to their pro­phe­cy, they used as­tro­no­mic­al ca­len­dars in the ho­pe of be­ing ab­le to de­ter­mi­ne the time of their ar­ri­val bet­ter and mo­re pre­cis­e­ly. They ali­gned their li­ves wi­th the stars.

They we­re pro­ba­b­ly con­vin­ced of the mer­cy of their gods by the tra­di­ti­on of their an­ces­tors. On this one spe­cial day in October, their pro­phe­cy see­med wi­thin reach, when their eyes, full of ex­pec­ta­ti­on, graceful­ly dis­co­ver­ed the long-awai­ted and dazz­ling glo­ry on the ho­ri­zon. With her eyes tur­ned to glo­ry, the Laos, af­ter an end­less jour­ney, re­a­ched the small idyl­lic is­land of Xabia Mo” wi­th her th­ree sis­ter ships on the day of the sol­sti­ce in the year 53.10.3 to SURA.


What good is a pom­pous skill sys­tem if all skills look the sa­me, on­ly in dif­fe­rent co­lors? I want to be proud to have achie­ved a new achie­ve­ment. To be uni­que in the world, to have so­me­thing that other play­ers don’t have. I al­so want to be ab­le to show it opu­lent­ly. I want to be ab­le to purcha­se land, build a house, get mar­ried, age, dig ca­ves, build stone walls, grow plants in my own gar­den, see how ti­des, the wea­ther or na­tu­ral dis­as­ters af­fect me.

I want to be ab­le to di­ve, swim, ri­de, sneak, camp, fly, eat, ta­me ani­mals and crea­tures and let them fight for me. I want to at­tend oc­cult ri­tu­als, make of­fe­rings or found ri­tes or who­le re­li­gi­ons mys­elf. I want to be ab­le to na­me ob­jects, items, hou­ses, who­le vil­la­ges, or be­co­me the foun­ding fa­ther of this com­mu­ni­ty, as well as to be ab­le to in­fluence politics.

I want de­di­ca­ted cha­rac­ters, a so­phisti­ca­ted re­al-time com­bat sys­tem. I want to be ab­le to crea­te meaningful ob­ject com­bi­na­ti­ons, which crea­te syn­er­gy ef­fects that make me mo­re powerful in the game. I don’t want spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons, no item builds. I want to be spoilt for choice, I don’t want le­vels. I want to be ab­le to phy­si­cal­ly feel the in­fluence of ebb and flow, the lu­nar cy­cles, the con­stel­la­ti­ons of stars and pla­nets, sea­sons, thun­der­storms, wind, storm, rain, snow and drought on the cha­rac­ters and in the world and to be ab­le to ch­an­ge them playfully.

I want to be ab­le to in­ter­act in fresh, bra­cki­sh and salt­wa­ter, wi­th dif­fe­rent ty­pes of rocks and soils. to ob­ser­ve and in­fluence ch­an­ges in ve­ge­ta­ti­on and wildlife.

I want to be ab­le to learn a va­rie­ty of pro­fes­si­ons, tail­o­red to my cha­rac­ter. Everything should in­ter­act in a high­ly dy­na­mic world. I want a re­al-time time ma­nage­ment in which my game con­ti­nues when I can’t be on­line. I want to be ab­le to do ad­mi­nis­tra­ti­ve work, is­sue boun­ties and dis­tri­bu­te loot fair­ly. I want to be ab­le to have child­ren, ad­opt, keep pets.

Yes, I al­so want to be in­fec­ted by di­se­a­ses, if I was ca­re­less or too ris­ky. I want re­al ques­t­ing wi­t­hout quest mar­kers. No sce­n­ery, li­ke run out the­re, slaugh­ter 10 mobs and bring me… prin­ci­ple. I want a hu­ge ge­ne­tic pool of in­fi­ni­te traits, mo­ves and com­po­si­ti­ons. But most of all I want my achie­ve­ments to in­crease in va­lue and not to lo­se va­lue wi­th the next patch or even be­co­me wort­hl­ess. I want to coll­ect ever­y­thing, but al­so to be ab­le to use it sensibly.

And I want ever­y­thing to ta­ke place wi­th the wil­ling­ness to com­pro­mi­se, to learn… This is Antares Open World!

Without re­al­ly in­ter­ac­ti­ve net­wor­king of all are­as, even a gi­gan­tic game seems flat.

The goal is to crea­te a mo­dern MMORPG con­cept wi­th long-term mo­ti­va­ti­on, in which the play­er can do ever­y­thing pos­si­ble. And I should not be pres­sed in­to one li­ne, in­to a com­pul­si­on to act. Where I can free­ly and stra­te­gi­cal­ly plan and ex­pe­ri­ence my own path to the goal. An in­ter­ac­tion wi­th ob­jects or cha­rac­ters re­al­ly ch­an­ges and af­fects the phy­si­cal world.

Of cour­se we do not want to re­invent the wheel… …but the con­cept wants it to roll for a long time… In my opi­ni­on, this re­qui­res not on­ly ela­bo­ra­te and de­tail­ed gra­phics and an emo­tio­nal sound back­ground, but al­so a com­ple­te­ly new game cul­tu­re and in­ter­ac­tion, a fee­ling of NEVER lear­ning to learn, dis­co­ve­ring new things over and over again and be­ing ab­le to im­mer­se yours­elf in this world.

Basic thoughts

After mo­re than 20 ye­ars of ex­pe­ri­ence as a ro­le­play­er, ob­ser­ver of the re­le­vant block­bus­ters, pro-ga­mers and A++ ra­tings of the gre­ats, it is time to help the aging game prin­ci­ple and gen­re in­to the mo­dern world.

Game depth, com­ple­xi­ty and in­ter­ac­tion on a high le­vel, wi­th the goal of achie­ving ma­xi­mum im­mersi­on, are de­fi­ci­en­ci­es. The game phy­sics and the ge­ne­ral con­di­ti­ons are most­ly ba­sed on sim­pli­ci­ty, in fa­vour of ca­su­als, and on an in­ex­pen­si­ve and fast implementation.

Let me gi­ve you a simp­le ex­am­p­le. Let’s ta­ke a ty­pi­cal coll­ec­ti­ve pro­fes­si­on of a lo­cal block­bus­ter. An ex­tre­me­ly ela­bo­ra­te world, gra­phi­cal­ly gi­gan­tic, and I chop wood on a pie­ce of tree stump ly­ing on the ground.

Alternatively, I find chunks of ore, in va­rious co­lors in the area – sim­ply on the ground. Now the­re is a hot­spot map of the com­mu­ni­ty on the net and a coll­ec­ting pro­fes­si­on is born. So I can now con­ti­nue end­less­ly. It doesn’t mat­ter if I ta­ke the craf­ting sys­tem”, the tra­vel”, the trade”, the phy­sics of cha­rac­ter at­tri­bu­tes”, the ta­lent sys­tem” or the ques­t­ing”. It all usual­ly re­mains at a high le­vel of abs­trac­tion of the im­ple­men­ta­ti­on. The prio­ri­ties of the crea­tors are sim­ply different.

My con­cept wants to go in a dif­fe­rent direction…

Multidimensional complexity

Interaction, in­ter­ac­tion and again in­ter­ac­tion, wi­th ever­y­thing and every con­ceiva­ble ob­ject. Guided by an in­fi­ni­te Open Universe Sandbox, which of­fers al­most in­fi­ni­te syn­er­gy ef­fects. With the goal of an all-en­com­pas­sing con­se­quence for his ac­tions and ac­tions, which can in­vol­ve the play­er in ever deeper de­cis­i­on ma­king pro­ces­ses and cau­se the ch­an­ge of a who­le spe­ci­es ac­cor­ding to the but­ter­fly effect.

The fee­ling of drif­ting from a harm­less game in­to the bru­tal re­al vir­tua­li­ty (rea­li­ty), wi­th a fee­ling of bi­as, up to the loss of rea­li­ty. Play in play prin­ci­ple (dream in dream prin­ci­ple). To be ab­le to in­ter­pret mo­re and mo­re si­gns and ope­ra­tors and to achie­ve an in­crease in agi­li­ty (syn­er­gy ef­fects). In the end to cle­ar­ly re­co­gni­ze the com­plex, big who­le, eit­her to wa­ke up and learn its les­sons in the game or to dream fo­re­ver. (The Game of Life principle.)

Not kno­wing what mea­ning or va­lue is as­si­gned to a de­cis­i­on or an item. Do I throw it away, and if so, do I find it again? Is it part of the who­le. . . ? Is it a re­sour­ce of a buildable ob­ject? Does it trig­ger abili­ties? If so, on what di­men­sio­nal le­vel in the uni­ver­se? Does it have a key func­tion? Do I need it to gain an ad­van­ta­ge over others? Does it harm me per­haps? Is it a mark of re­co­gni­ti­on, a bles­sing or a cur­se. . . . ? Questions upon ques­ti­ons. Every ans­wer holds new ques­ti­ons. . . World and ob­ject must be ab­le to in­ter­act con­stant­ly, sin­ce ever­y­thing is in­tert­wi­ned by tem­po­ral di­ver­gen­ces. To face the Survival of the Fittest and make wi­se de­cis­i­ons for the fu­ture of your followers.

Knowledge must be lear­ned, it is not available. The ta­lent does. Promote your ta­lent! Find yourself. . .

Play on in­cre­asing­ly pro­gres­si­ve ways of thin­king wi­th log­arith­mi­cal­ly in­cre­asing le­vels of com­ple­xi­ty. The li­mit is not set by a le­vel, but by your mind, your in­tellect, your ta­lent and your en­du­rance, in a world that fol­lows the phy­si­cal prin­ci­ples, in re­al time af­fi­ni­ti­ve and multidimensional.

If you want to get bet­ter at so­me­thing, you have to learn! But cal­cu­la­te at what cost! Are you re­a­dy to pay the price?

Classification & Genre

Now how can you ca­te­go­ri­ze and clas­si­fy our epic if you don’t want to fol­low in the foot­s­teps of others? So you should al­so try to avo­id pi­ge­on­ho­le thin­king as far as pos­si­ble. If we want to es­tab­lish a new gen­re of the games in­dus­try, we should, ho­we­ver, na­me the in­ter­sec­tions that are af­fec­ted by dif­fe­rent weightings.

For ex­am­p­le, the in­ter­sec­tions ba­sed on an M MO wi­th com­pon­ents from

  • H or­ror
  • S tra­te­gie (4X)
  • S ur­vi­val
  • S imu­la­ti­on
  • R PG

This is the ori­gin of our new word fin­ding wi­th acro­nym, the gen­re »MH3SR«. Whenever Antares Open World is na­med, this new word crea­ti­on should be established.


Dear rea­der, wel­co­me to my con­cept book, the ma­nu­script for our fu­ture Antares world, the epic of a com­ple­te­ly re­de­si­gned next-gen game prin­ci­ple in the field of MMORPG.

Combine a gi­gan­tic and com­plex MMO Open Universe Sandbox sce­na­rio ba­sed on con­nec­tion­ist ap­proa­ches of a sub-sym­bo­lic na­tu­re wi­th si­mu­la­ti­on, build stra­tegy, sur­vi­val, hor­ror and an in­no­va­ti­ve col­li­si­on-de­pen­dent 3D re­al-time com­bat sys­tem (Ego & Third Person). Follow the 4X apho­rism E(x)plore, E(x)pand, E(x)ploit, and E(x)terminate in chro­no­bio­lo­gi­cal and cy­cle con­trol­led re­al time. Implement the clas­sic old school ro­le­play­ing ele­ments, as well as a world to be crea­ted and ch­an­ged by the play­ers using mi­ned re­sour­ces. Combine the Tamagotchi prin­ci­ple in a high de­gree of au­to­ma­ti­on wi­th a hu­ge, never slee­ping uni­ver­se and you get Antares Open World (AOW), or in short, the se­cret pan­sper­mic Antarian worlds.

Antares Open World is in­spi­red by the ba­sic idea of im­pli­ca­ting know­ledge from its high­ly dy­na­mic sys­tems from wi­thin its­elf, to set up the re­pre­sen­ta­ti­on of know­ledge thus de­pic­ted, wi­t­hout in­du­ced, and thus ex­pli­cit, ru­les. The play­er is left wi­th powerful in­fluen­cing fac­tors in his or her own world to be crea­ted, in or­der to ge­ne­ra­te a crea­ti­ve sand­box wi­th ab­so­lu­te free­dom of ac­tion and las­ting con­se­quen­ces from its sub-sym­bo­lic na­tu­re. Develop your cha­rac­ter and de­sign ant­a­ries ba­sed on the be­lief that you are do­ing good. Create your world, di­stin­gu­ish yours­elf, crea­te your uni­que va­lues and de­fend them un­til the bit­ter end. Stand for your ide­als, ta­ke re­spon­si­bi­li­ty, show true strength.

Act wi­se­ly, be­cau­se not­hing seems to be the way it is. Realities and per­cep­ti­ons be­co­me blur­red. Observe your new world, ob­ser­ve it careful­ly! Get to the bot­tom of the se­crets. Question pos­tu­la­ted facts, test your thoughts. Trust no one. Antares Open World will ta­ke you to a fu­tu­ristic and at the sa­me time an­ci­ent mys­ti­cal world of days long go­ne. Even mo­re, learn your own les­sons, de­ci­pher the mes­sa­ges. They will reve­al them­sel­ves to the see­ker. Become part of a gi­gan­tic epic and re­wri­te the Antarian world histo­ry. Follow the traces of the New World Order”, find cau­sal con­nec­tions, re­wri­te the struc­tu­re of an en­ti­re world or­der. Find your match, face the se­cret shadow powers” and learn how to in­fil­tra­te and use them for your own purposes.

Start the most ex­ci­ting tre­asu­re hunt of the pre­sent and dis­co­ver the fa­te of the en­ti­re Antarian spe­ci­es. We do not have much time left. Be pre­pared when your pos­tu­la­ted theo­ries co­me true. The mes­sa­ge is clear. Everything has a pur­po­se, the­re are no co­in­ci­den­ces. Prevent the geno­ci­de of the Antarius Sapiens” wi­th ca­ta­stro­phic con­se­quen­ces for the en­ti­re universe.

With the birth of the god Ras ac­cor­ding to RAL, the star Antares be­ca­me blood red. Plague, cor­rup­ti­on and pe­sti­lence have in­va­ded the home and world of Antares…” – han­ded down SURA 17.2.30

Are you re­a­dy to see the an­ci­ent world wi­th com­ple­te­ly new eyes?

What AOW does not want to become

With its con­cept, Antares Open World wants to re­spond to es­tab­lished dog­mas and show that a glo­bal rethink is ne­ces­sa­ry for all of us. I am not on­ly re­fer­ring to the tech­ni­cal pos­si­bi­li­ties of im­ple­men­ta­ti­on, but al­so to the exis­ting bo­dy of thought wi­thin us, which is sub­ject to con­stant ch­an­ge and the at­tempt of glo­bal ma­ni­pu­la­ti­on due to the events of the world.

AOW as a kind of short-term lei­su­re ac­ti­vi­ty? Perhaps the es­tab­lish­ment of a new hob­by. . ? The walk in­to a new pha­se of life, as a part­ner? I do not know. Antares Open World is the way, and thus THE goal, to shar­pen your con­scious­ness and to go th­rough your world mo­re cri­ti­cal­ly in the fu­ture. Not to be­lie­ve ever­y­thing you see. To train ways of thin­king, which at first sight lack any cau­sa­li­ty and we­re most­ly wan­ted by an elite.

Truth, as so of­ten, is in the eye of the be­hol­der.” Besides, we should never for­get that truths al­ways ser­ve a pur­po­se. Truths mo­ved forward…

usual­ly pro­pa­ga­te suf­fi­ci­ent cau­sa­li­ty and then rob the se­cond and/or third truth of the es­sen­ti­al ba­sis for reflection.

Let’s ta­ke the leap to es­tab­lish new ways al­so in Antares Open World by se­pa­ra­ting our­sel­ves from ma­ny old bur­dens” of the games in­dus­try. In do­ing so, we trans­fer the ap­peal of per­cep­ti­ons in­to the concept.

  • no grin­ding-me­cha­nisms
  • no ran­dom events
  • no glo­bal auc­tion houses
  • no bars of life
  • no le­vels
  • no clas­ses
  • no names abo­ve the cha­rac­ters (plaques)
  • no na­me changes
  • no clas­sic chats or interfaces
  • no quest markers
  • no in­ter­ac­tion markers
  • no te­le­por­ta­ti­on (way­po­ints)

All THAT are ele­ments that con­scious­ly fol­low the goal of ma­ni­pu­la­ting you in your goal-fin­ding pro­ces­ses and de­cis­i­ons in fa­vor of the first truth. So what can we do? I want to gi­ve you so­me­thing much mo­re powerful on your way.

It is a de­cis­i­on-ma­king tool that should not rob you of your free­dom as a play­er, but ra­ther gi­ve you that free­dom. In re­turn, you have to learn to do so­me­thing wi­th the free­dom” you have be­en gi­ven. A rethin­king is re­qui­red. You have to ta­ke the re­spon­si­bi­li­ty of your de­cis­i­on, be­cau­se not­hing is sub­ject to chan­ce, even the smal­lest ac­tion will have a but­ter­fly ef­fect” th­roug­hout Antaria. Because ever­y­thing and every ob­ject in Antaria is in­tert­wi­ned” wi­th each other in the most dif­fe­rent worlds. We si­mu­la­te in the mo­del of quan­tum phy­sics and show ef­fect pro­ces­ses of mul­ti­ver­se di­men­si­ons. Films li­ke Cloud Atlas” show the causalities.

Alone from the­se mi­ni­ma­list re­qui­re­ments men­tio­ned abo­ve, the NoGOs”, ma­ny new ques­ti­ons ari­se. I ho­pe to ans­wer mo­re ques­ti­ons wi­th this ma­nu­script than to im­pli­cit­ly ask new ones wi­th it.

Hybrid Open World

Why a hy­brid Open World? What do I un­der­stand by this new technology?

Open World, or Universe, ig­ni­tes the ob­li­ga­to­ry free­dom of be­ing ab­le to mo­ve in­wards in a ter­ri­to­ri­al space. The tech­no­lo­gy alo­ne, which has not yet be­en re­se­ar­ched, will be ab­le to pre­vent me from not be­ing ab­le to ta­ke cer­tain paths, or on­ly to a li­mi­t­ed ext­ent, at the ex­pen­se of di­s­ad­van­ta­ges. With this con­cept, ba­sed on per­cep­ti­on, to mas­ter cor­re­spon­ding to­po­lo­gi­cal hurd­les, an­o­ther point in the di­rec­tion of AOW co­re com­pe­tence is to be poin­ted out.

Imagine if you could ta­ke a cross-coun­try path and mo­del it, li­te­ral­ly, by re­pea­ted­ly wal­king to a road. Others will al­so use it la­ter if it was ba­sed on eco­no­mic sus­taina­bi­li­ty (lay­er prin­ci­ple). Is a moun­tain ob­s­truc­ting my path? Find a way to walk it. . . Start a con­s­truc­tion pro­ject and build a tun­nel. Recognize the ne­ces­si­ty of this stra­te­gic struc­tu­re. To climb a moun­tain pass wi­t­hout a ro­pe or de­di­ca­ted equip­ment, con­side­ring the dan­gers of cold or my on­ly ru­di­men­ta­ry ta­lents, or pos­si­bly fal­ling. Find your ni­che, ta­ke a toll and stra­te­gi­cal­ly es­tab­lish your vil­la­ge in no man’s land. Only the per­cep­ti­on of your rea­li­ty reve­als this pos­si­bi­li­ty to you. Draw at­ten­ti­on to yours­elf. Increase your pos­si­bi­li­ties, but al­so your rivalries.

Under this pre­mi­se on­ly a Sandbox Open World mix­tu­re re­mains in the con­se­quence. The who­le con­cept is ba­sed on the aspect of the eli­mi­na­ti­on of the pre­con­s­truc­ted con­tin­gen­ci­es known from other games. Players will be ab­le to wri­te their own sto­ries ba­sed on the tech­no­lo­gies, hand tools and puz­zle pie­ces pro­vi­ded along the way.

Game target

Imagine that the con­cept lea­ves you in glo­bal con­trol of an all-play­er-crea­ted uni­ver­se, in a crea­ti­ve sand­box wi­th ab­so­lu­te free­dom of ac­tion and las­ting con­se­quen­ces from the player’s know­ledge re­pre­sen­ta­ti­on. Develop your cha­rac­ter and crea­te ant­a­ri­ums ba­sed on the be­lief that you are do­ing good. Create

Your em­pire, di­stin­gu­ish yours­elf, crea­te your uni­que va­lues and de­fend them, con­side­ring your ide­als. I have long thought about how I could de­fi­ne a top game goal in Antares Open World. Generalized I would li­ke to dare to for­mu­la­te the fol­lo­wing pas­sa­ge as an ans­wer in con­side­ra­ti­on of the Antarian gui­ding philosophy.

“…grow old and die a na­tu­ral de­ath wi­th your cha­rac­ters, be­cau­se on­ly in this way a rein­car­na­ti­on and thus a trans­fer of your con­scious­ness in the game will be pos­si­ble. Try to see the an­ci­ent world wi­th com­ple­te­ly new eyes and de­ci­pher the mes­sa­ges of past times. Uncover the se­cret ma­chi­na­ti­ons of eli­tist shadow powers and do not sud­den­ly be­co­me part of the sys­tem yours­elf. Also pay at­ten­ti­on to bin­ding and pre­ser­ving pos­ses­si­ons and crea­ting va­lues in the long term. Expand wi­th sus­taina­bi­li­ty th­rough your game idea and use me­tag­am­ing to crea­te new vir­tu­al worlds.


We see Antares Open World as a sand­box, al­so in the sen­se of play­ing wi­th com­ple­xi­ty. We love com­ple­xi­ty and me­tag­am­ing. It is one of Antares’ ba­sic phi­lo­so­phies to pro­mo­te the pu­re, sim­pli­ci­ty lo­ving play­er in fa­vor of the com­ple­xi­ty lo­ving play­er. There are en­ough games on the mar­ket that have lost com­ple­xi­ty over time due to their ge­ne­ra­liza­ti­on, and for which the crea­tors and foun­ders of the Antares Open World have be­co­me uninteresting.

So read on if you love to wal­low in com­ple­xi­ty! If you are not de­ter­red by new ide­as and the need to ta­ke dif­fe­rent paths, and if you love to grasp the quint­essence of the op­ti­mum wi­th in­ter­ac­tion and com­ple­xi­ty, as clo­se to rea­li­ty as possible.

On this ba­sis I have foun­ded the con­cept for Antares Open World.

By crea­ting Antares Open World we wish to es­tab­lish a new form of game cul­tu­re. In par­ti­cu­lar, we want Antares Open World to be­co­me a part of a vi­brant play­er cul­tu­re, in­itia­ted th­rough ac­ti­ve me­tag­am­ing, in or­der to crea­te a far-rea­ching and dy­na­mic life of its own.

We re­ward tho­se who are pa­ti­ent and wil­ling to learn!

Antares Open World is for us the tool of our own Antares world, crea­ted in its complexity. .

MMO & Sandbox‌

Do wha­te­ver you want” prin­ci­ple, or even the sand­box game?

On the one hand, it is about the free de­ve­lo­p­ment of the play­ers and their com­plex si­mu­la­ted in­ter­ac­tions, he­re about ge­ne­ra­ting a ba­sic open uni­ver­se wi­th the facets, free­doms and ad­ven­tures to be ex­plo­red. On the other hand, it is about pay­ing re­spect to the in­di­vi­dua­li­ty of the hu­man be­ing, not to press him in­to pre­fa­bri­ca­ted dra­wers. Every play­er wants to be free in his de­cis­i­ons and ac­tions, to ap­proach a chall­enge in Antares Open World in the way he con­siders best and wi­th which he would li­ke to iden­ti­fy himself.

All tasks in the game have a di­rect mea­ning and las­ting in­fluence on the game world. I re­mind you on­ce again of the Butterfly” ef­fect. With the power gi­ven to each in­di­vi­du­al it should be pos­si­ble for him to ch­an­ge who­le uni­ver­ses (rea­li­ties). Periodizing and prio­ri­tiz­ing tasks should help the play­er to crea­te and ch­an­ge stra­te­gi­cal­ly skil­led and eco­no­mic pro­ces­ses in a sus­tainable way.

Performance, the­ma­tiza­ti­on and ex­pe­ri­ence should be di­rect­ly eva­luable by con­tin­gents bet­ween the play­ers, af­ter stan­dar­diza­ti­on of the in­fluen­cing fac­tors. The pri­de of ha­ving won, wi­th my way of im­ple­men­ta­ti­on, should be mo­ti­vat­ing for the who­le com­mu­ni­ty to de­ve­lop my in­fluence on po­li­tics, re­li­gi­on, not on­ly wi­thin the peer groups, via com­plex me­tag­am­ing. This re­qui­res high­ly com­plex me­cha­nisms, such as the co­re com­pe­ten­ci­es de­scri­bed later.


On a mas­si­ve, hy­brid open world lo­ca­ti­on cal­led Antarien, in the third per­son per­spec­ti­ve, wi­th ego per­spec­ti­ve op­ti­on, a me­dieval, an­ci­ent to fu­tu­ristic fan­ta­sy MMORPG mix­tu­re of sur­vi­val, re­al time, hor­ror and stra­tegy (MH3SR) will be built.

The uni­que­ness of the idea lies in the way of play­ing wi­th com­ple­xi­ty th­rough con­trol­led group dy­na­mics. We will try to fol­low the prin­ci­ple of the Tamagotchi”. The game cha­rac­ter will the­r­e­fo­re on­ly log out of the world of Antaria to a li­mi­t­ed ext­ent. The world, the cha­rac­ter, the so­cial re­la­ti­onships and the re­sour­ces will the­r­e­fo­re be ab­le to ch­an­ge in a time-va­ri­ant way, even in the ab­sence of the play­er, in a group dy­na­mic and high­ly sca­lable manner.

Via the smart­phone the play­er gets an in­ter­face to his vir­tu­al world. Here, ex­ten­si­ve func­tions wi­th alarms, events, ap­point­ments, etc. are dis­play­ed. Considering the fact that we on­ly ser­ve one ser­ver world across in­ter­na­tio­nal time zo­nes, the world will never sleep.

In the ab­sence of the play­er (AFK/offline) the cha­rac­ter will fol­low the lear­ned know­ledge and pat­terns. Here the cha­rac­ter has tech­no­lo­gi­cal, in­clu­ding neu­ral net­works, ge­ne­tic al­go­rith­ms and evo­lu­tio­na­ry stra­te­gies for lear­ning at his dis­po­sal. But al­so soft­ware agents will find their ap­pli­ca­ti­on. The in­te­gra­ti­on of the­se con­nec­tion­ist ap­proa­ches of a sub-sym­bo­lic na­tu­re in our MH3SR are, to our know­ledge, uni­que in this combination.

A game in which fu­tu­ristic ele­ments of an extinct spe­ci­es, wi­th its obe­lisks and ar­ti­facts, myths, oc­cult ri­tes and sects that are reve­a­led in the land, should not be miss­ing. Whole re­li­gi­ons are ba­sed on them. They are sup­po­sed to be su­pe­ri­or in ethi­cal mat­ters, as well as in tech­ni­cal mat­ters, in stark con­trast to the pr­e­vai­ling de­ve­lo­p­ment of the time, and to be part of know­ledge in the con­cept of high cul­tu­re. The ba­sic idea, in con­trast to the doc­tri­ne, not to es­tab­lish tech­no­lo­gi­cal pro­gress wi­th the pro­gress of a ci­vi­liza­ti­on, but on the con­tra­ry, to reve­al high tech­no­lo­gy in the pro­cess of crea­ti­on wi­th in­cre­asing back­da­ting, is an­o­ther co­re com­pe­tence of the concept.

The cen­tral ver­si­on of a play­er grou­ping is in­ten­ded to es­tab­lish so­cial be­ha­vi­or pat­terns. As a co­re ele­ment we would li­ke to si­mu­la­te com­pe­tent pos­ses­si­on” via housing”. Here, who­le sett­le­ments and vil­la­ges should be ab­le to be crea­ted by the com­mu­ni­ty, from small dwel­lings, buil­ding plots to farm buil­dings. Special at­ten­ti­on should be paid to the way our phi­lo­so­phy views how land and buil­ding plots can be obtained.

Also the rich­ness of de­tail and the pha­ses of con­s­truc­tion of a buil­ding should be on a high­ly com­plex le­vel. At the sa­me time, it should al­so be pos­si­ble for ca­su­al ga­mers to set beg­in­ner-fri­end­ly con­s­truc­tion fil­ters by re­du­cing the de­gree of com­ple­xi­ty, ac­cor­ding to the tri­an­gu­lar prin­ci­ple of speed, cheap pro­duc­tion and the re­qui­re­ment of quality.

It should al­so be sys­te­ma­ti­cal­ly gui­ded by an in­tui­ti­ve tu­to­ri­al. With the ex­pe­ri­ence of the play­er, and de­pen­ding on the time al­lot­ted, the com­ple­xi­ty is au­to­ma­ti­cal­ly and pro­gres­si­ve­ly in­creased th­rough the de­gree of per­cep­ti­on and au­to­ma­ti­on. A who­le chap­ter will la­ter deal wi­th the to­pic of per­cep­ti­on in re­la­ti­on to the de­gree of complexity.

Whereby I would li­ke to make it very clear that this will not be a ca­su­al game. We pur­sue the am­bi­tious goal of be­co­ming one of the most com­plex, if not the most com­plex MH3SR” of to­mor­row (phi­lo­so­phy).

At the cen­ter of the ac­tion, is the player’s ca­ra­cal self-dis­co­very wi­th his cha­rac­ters, his con­fron­ta­ti­on wi­th bo­dy, mind and soul, which is in con­flict wi­th a hi­deous and se­cret ma­li­cious cul­tu­re li­ving in the fo­rests of Antaria, which has no equal.

Through the es­tab­lish­ment of op­po­sing world views and ide­as, so­ci­al­ly com­plex struc­tures, play­ers are playful­ly poin­ted out by their ac­tions th­rough a tan­gi­ble con­se­quen­tia­lism” wi­th all its con­se­quen­ces, to the grie­van­ces de­spi­te their su­per­fi­ci­al per­fec­tion, be­au­ty and grace of Antaria, to the fail­ures of cer­tain es­tab­lished systems.

The shadow powers of Antariens are re­pre­sen­ted in all in­flu­en­ti­al are­as, such as po­li­tics, eco­no­my, so­cial af­fairs, edu­ca­ti­on and re­se­arch wi­th their de­cis­i­on-ma­king powers, see­mingly al­ways and ever­y­whe­re, om­ni­sci­ent and global.

Antarien is fil­led to the brim wi­th con­spi­ra­cy theo­ries, bor­der­line sci­ence, hard facts, ideo­lo­gies, prag­ma­tics, as well as fic­tion in a world see­mingly sur­roun­ded by myths and legends.


Let’s now get to an in­tro­duc­to­ry his­to­ri­cal ope­ning sce­na­rio, which will la­ter be used for a spe­ci­fic cha­rac­ter setup.

After ge­ne­ra­ting the cha­rac­ter, the play­er will be as­si­gned a home pla­net in the Antarian uni­ver­se. The choice of his race plays a spe­ci­fic ro­le in the sel­ec­tion of the so­lar sys­tem. An ope­ning vi­deo will show the play­er the im­pact of an ice co­met on his home pla­net. By de­li­ve­ring the buil­ding blocks of life th­rough pan­sper­mia, the con­cept of di­rec­ted life wants to ma­ni­fest in the uni­ver­se. At this point, ho­we­ver, it re­mains open whe­ther this was ac­tual­ly a tar­ge­ted co­lo­niza­ti­on of a pla­net by third par­ties, or whe­ther this could be at­tri­bu­ted to a hig­her di­vi­ne power. After an un­spe­ci­fied pe­ri­od of time of the act of crea­ti­on, the ope­ning sce­na­rio and the in­ter­ac­tion of the play­er begins.

Thus our young fu­ture hero, af­ter cha­rac­ter ge­ne­ra­ti­on in the age group of his choice, awa­kes in a ro­le ty­pi­cal for him. For ex­am­p­le, in a deep, mys­te­rious and dark fo­rest, or in the sub­ma­ri­ne cat­a­combs, as part of an uni­ma­gi­nable ge­ne­tic ex­pe­ri­ment. Thus, in the ex­am­p­le, this start in the deep cat­a­combs un­der the oce­ans is part of the Antarian pri­son po­li­cy. In the first ca­se, this is the start­ing sce­na­rio for all wood­wor­king pro­fes­si­ons. In the se­cond sce­na­rio, to the aspect of the Sudden Drop, which will be de­fi­ned la­ter. It should still be no­ted that a pro­fes­si­on is not sel­ec­ta­ble, but that it can ra­ther be si­tua­ted by the la­ter ac­tions of the character.

Our hero has lost his me­mo­ries wi­th awa­ke­ning. Aimed at an exo pla­net, pos­si­bly stran­ded by pan­sper­mia, his ark (co­met) de­ve­lo­ped in­to in­tel­li­gent life, per­haps a de­li­be­ra­te act of crea­ti­on of for­eign or­ga­nisms. In the fol­lo­wing tu­to­ri­al the play­er roams alo­ne th­rough the fo­rest and dun­ge­on. He makes hims­elf fa­mi­li­ar wi­th the to­po­lo­gy of his spawn point” pla­net-spe­ci­fic. Thereby the cha­rac­ter will find useful items, which will ex­plain the func­tion­a­li­ty of the in­ter­face and HUD and will be sys­te­ma­ti­cal­ly in­tro­du­ced to the player.

Unaware of the deep be­ne­fits, we now con­front our cha­rac­ter wi­th one of his fu­ture com­pa­n­ions in the form of a glo­wing fi­re­fly. In its ap­pearance si­mi­lar to an as­tral en­er­gy, it ser­ves our hero first as a simp­le light source. There seems to be a spe­cial form of syn­er­gy bet­ween the two from the be­gin­ning. Later on, the cha­rac­ter will dis­co­ver that his ever-re­cur­ring and obe­dient com­pa­n­ion is in com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on wi­th others of his kind and has a high­ly de­ve­lo­ped swarm in­tel­li­gence that is hard­ly com­pre­hen­si­ble to him. A com­mon lan­guage” of com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on must be found by the player.

This way (in­ter­face) al­lows the cha­rac­ter to trans­mit his com­mands to ma­ny places at the sa­me time and to in­ter­ve­ne ad­mi­nis­tra­tively in the game. Furthermore, the play­er can in­ter­act wi­th his other cha­rac­ters, which are built up in the port­fo­lio for fur­ther pur­po­ses, over long di­stances un­der cer­tain conditions.

What our young hero does not know yet is that he is deal­ing wi­th a very old, ant­a­ri­an con­scious­ness / soul”, which is why we could al­so call Antares Open World wi­th the fol­lo­wing Latin wis­dom, it hits the point as the most ba­sic of all co­re competencies.

Mens sa­na in cor­po­re sano”

This me­ans In a he­alt­hy bo­dy dwells a he­alt­hy mind” and not on­ly cor­re­sponds to an an­ci­ent wis­dom, it even de­vo­tes an en­ti­re chap­ter of this ma­nu­script and work to this com­plex topic.

Let’s now get to an in­tro­duc­to­ry his­to­ri­cal ope­ning sce­na­rio, which will la­ter be used for a spe­ci­fic cha­rac­ter setup.

After ge­ne­ra­ting the cha­rac­ter, the play­er will be as­si­gned a home pla­net in the Antarian uni­ver­se. The choice of his race plays a spe­ci­fic ro­le in the sel­ec­tion of the so­lar sys­tem. An ope­ning vi­deo will show the play­er the im­pact of an ice co­met on his home pla­net. By de­li­ve­ring the buil­ding blocks of life th­rough pan­sper­mia, the con­cept of di­rec­ted life wants to ma­ni­fest in the uni­ver­se. At this point, ho­we­ver, it re­mains open whe­ther this was ac­tual­ly a tar­ge­ted co­lo­niza­ti­on of a pla­net by third par­ties, or whe­ther this could be at­tri­bu­ted to a hig­her di­vi­ne power. After an un­spe­ci­fied pe­ri­od of time of the act of crea­ti­on, the ope­ning sce­na­rio and the in­ter­ac­tion of the play­er begins.

Thus our young fu­ture hero, af­ter cha­rac­ter ge­ne­ra­ti­on in the age group of his choice, awa­kes in a ro­le ty­pi­cal for him. For ex­am­p­le, in a deep, mys­te­rious and dark fo­rest, or in the sub­ma­ri­ne cat­a­combs, as part of an uni­ma­gi­nable ge­ne­tic ex­pe­ri­ment. Thus, in the ex­am­p­le, this start in the deep cat­a­combs un­der the oce­ans is part of the Antarian pri­son po­li­cy. In the first ca­se, this is the start­ing sce­na­rio for all wood­wor­king pro­fes­si­ons. In the se­cond sce­na­rio, to the aspect of the Sudden Drop, which will be de­fi­ned la­ter. It should still be no­ted that a pro­fes­si­on is not sel­ec­ta­ble, but that it can ra­ther be si­tua­ted by the la­ter ac­tions of the character.

Our hero has lost his me­mo­ries wi­th awa­ke­ning. Aimed at an exo pla­net, pos­si­bly stran­ded by pan­sper­mia, his ark (co­met) de­ve­lo­ped in­to in­tel­li­gent life, per­haps a de­li­be­ra­te act of crea­ti­on of for­eign or­ga­nisms. In the fol­lo­wing tu­to­ri­al the play­er roams alo­ne th­rough the fo­rest and dun­ge­on. He makes hims­elf fa­mi­li­ar wi­th the to­po­lo­gy of his spawn point” pla­net-spe­ci­fic. Thereby the cha­rac­ter will find useful items, which will ex­plain the func­tion­a­li­ty of the in­ter­face and HUD and will be sys­te­ma­ti­cal­ly in­tro­du­ced to the player.

Unaware of the deep be­ne­fits, we now con­front our cha­rac­ter wi­th one of his fu­ture com­pa­n­ions in the form of a glo­wing fi­re­fly. In its ap­pearance si­mi­lar to an as­tral en­er­gy, it ser­ves our hero first as a simp­le light source. There seems to be a spe­cial form of syn­er­gy bet­ween the two from the be­gin­ning. Later on, the cha­rac­ter will dis­co­ver that his ever-re­cur­ring and obe­dient com­pa­n­ion is in com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on wi­th others of his kind and has a high­ly de­ve­lo­ped swarm in­tel­li­gence that is hard­ly com­pre­hen­si­ble to him. A com­mon lan­guage” of com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on must be found by the player.

This way (in­ter­face) al­lows the cha­rac­ter to trans­mit his com­mands to ma­ny places at the sa­me time and to in­ter­ve­ne ad­mi­nis­tra­tively in the game. Furthermore, the play­er can in­ter­act wi­th his other cha­rac­ters, which are built up in the port­fo­lio for fur­ther pur­po­ses, over long di­stances un­der cer­tain conditions.

What our young hero does not know yet is that he is deal­ing wi­th a very old, ant­a­ri­an con­scious­ness / soul”, which is why we could al­so call Antares Open World wi­th the fol­lo­wing Latin wis­dom, it hits the point as the most ba­sic of all co­re competencies.

Mens sa­na in cor­po­re sano”

This me­ans In a he­alt­hy bo­dy dwells a he­alt­hy mind” and not on­ly cor­re­sponds to an an­ci­ent wis­dom, it even de­vo­tes an en­ti­re chap­ter of this ma­nu­script and work to this com­plex topic.


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Das ist KK 018 

In a land before our time...

For thou­sands of ye­ars, ci­vi­liza­ti­ons have loo­ked in­to the in­fi­ni­te re­a­ches of space, di­rec­ting their eyes and land­marks at our stars. Since the be­gin­ning of time and ge­ne­ra­ti­ons they have be­en wai­ting for the ar­ri­val and re­turn of their long-awai­ted and long over­due gods. According to their pro­phe­cy, they used as­tro­no­mic­al ca­len­dars in the ho­pe of be­ing ab­le to de­ter­mi­ne the time of their ar­ri­val bet­ter and mo­re pre­cis­e­ly. They ali­gned their li­ves wi­th the stars.

They we­re pro­ba­b­ly con­vin­ced of the mer­cy of their gods by the tra­di­ti­on of their an­ces­tors. On this one spe­cial day in October, their pro­phe­cy see­med wi­thin reach, when their eyes, full of ex­pec­ta­ti­on, graceful­ly dis­co­ver­ed the long-awai­ted and dazz­ling glo­ry on the ho­ri­zon. With her eyes tur­ned to glo­ry, the Laos, af­ter an end­less jour­ney, re­a­ched the small idyl­lic is­land of Xabia Mo” wi­th her th­ree sis­ter ships on the day of the sol­sti­ce in the year 53.10.3 to SURA.